Recommendations show how offshore wind must be a part of California’s renewable energy portfolio to meet its clean energy goals.

SACRAMENTO, Calif., January 22, 2024 The California Energy Commission (CEC) has unveiled a draft of its AB 525 Offshore Wind Strategic plan, demonstrating the critical role of the industry in achieving the state’s renewable energy and economic development goals.

“We commend the California Energy Commission for leading this tremendous effort that maps out well-researched recommendations on how to develop offshore wind in a timely, sustainable, and uplifting manner,” said Molly Croll, Pacific Offshore Wind Director, American Clean Power Association. “We appreciate the CEC’s dedication to our offshore wind target of 25 GW by 2045, signaling California’s embrace of offshore wind. The report provides a clear assessment of the value of offshore wind and identifies a number of areas of public policy support needed for the industry to succeed. We look forward to partnering with the state to begin the urgent work needed to advance priority transmission planning, central procurement, and port funding.”

The strategic offshore wind plan was created in response to AB 525 (Chiu). It includes assessments and recommendations related to marine resources, sea-space planning, tribal, and fishery relations, permitting, workforce development, port development, and transmission. For the full AB 525 report, click here.

Alongside the release of the offshore wind report, ACP-CA applauds Governor Newsom’s appointment of Jana Ganion as Senior Advisor for Offshore Wind. This appointment is a crucial step that underscores the Administration’s commitment to driving an effective, whole-of-government approach to offshore wind implementation.

California’s bold vision for offshore wind will be realized with the steadfast commitment and participation of state leadership, stakeholders, and industry.

For more information, contact:

Julie Stephens

[email protected]


About American Clean Power Association (ACP)

The American Clean Power Association (ACP) is the leading voice of today’s multi-tech clean energy industry, representing 750 utility-scale solar, wind, energy storage, green hydrogen, and transmission companies. ACP is committed to meeting America’s national security, economic, and climate goals with fast-growing, low-cost, and reliable domestic power. ACP-CA is a state project of ACP, representing diverse clean energy developers in the state, including the first five California offshore wind leaseholders.


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